Engineering Innovation; Why Details Matter at Legacy Pharmaceutical Packaging

"Innovation is in our DNA, it's just what we do here," remarks Joe Moran, Engineer at Legacy Pharmaceutical Packaging. Joe has been with Legacy for over 5 years and is elaborating on how he recently developed an automated solution to remove induction seal liners from low-count bulk bottles, facilitating a more streamlined bulk supply. "We firmly believe the little things add up, and when small efficiencies or process improvements are applied to the approximately 700,000 scripts filled in our facility per day, the impact can be quite substantial."
In recent years, Legacy has seen an increase in high-count "bulk" supplied products (5,000ct or even higher) but this isn't always the case. In situations where the product received in for packaging is supplied in 500ct, 100ct, even 30ct bottles, the task of breaking down the product to supply highly automated packaging equipment becomes cumbersome and costly. Recently tasked with creating a solution to this problem through Legacy's Innovation Labs program, "Joe stepped up to the plate and delivered!" as Legacy's Executive Director of Technical Operations, Matt Rayner commented.
Legacy is committed to being Your Total Pharma Solution Provider and continues to value innovation as a point of differentiation from our competition. Where possible, we evaluate and re-evaluate ways to reduce costs, streamline processes and drive value for our customers.